
Showing posts from October, 2018

Boulangerie in France

A bakery in France is called a boulangerie.  If you ever walked into a bakery in the US, the most common foods that you would expect to see are donuts, danishes, sausage rolls, and more. However, if you walked into a boulangerie in France, the first thing that would catch your eye are the viennoiseries such as croissants, pain au chocolat and of course, bread (baguette, flûte, pain de campagne also known as gros pain) Some of you might have heard of pâtisserie too. A patisserie is a dessert type of place. Many boulangerie nowadays sell patisseries (pastries in English) as well. Presentation in France plays a huge part in baking. Pasty chefs do not use a lot of food coloring, they try to use natural ingredients and make their pastries look like a piece of art. My favorite pastry is probably Eclair and my favorite viennoiserie has to be croissant. I love the buttery, flaky layers of yumminess!

Tarte aux pomme

Apple pie, also known as tarte aux pomme, is a delicious dessert that french people make it in the fall, but it is so good that most people actually make it throughout the year! Every year we have tried to go to the apple orchard at prairie grove battlefield park to pick apples, but this this year wasn’t a very good season for the apples. So we had to purchase them from the store. My mother doesn’t usually follow a recipe so here are the directions to making this delicious snack! Instructions: First gather 6 medium apple Peel one cut it up and make applesauce with it, set it aside and ey it cool Next make a pie crust or purchase one from walmart and lay it in you pie dish Pour the apple sauce on top of the crust                                                  Peel and slice up the rest of your apples and lay them on top of your applesauce Sprinkle with vanilla sugar and add little cubes of butter ( about 2 tablespoon) Bake in the oven at 350f  for 40 minutes Its tha